An experimental short film that follows a man who arrives home alone during the holidays after a long day of work. Finding himself consumed by his loneliness he looks for a way to escape.
A sleeping man’s fading memory of his late Mother unravels through a recurring, hypermnesic dream that reverberates and transforms throughout his life, tracing from his final dream back to his first.
An experimental short film that follows a man who arrives home alone during the holidays after a long day of work. Finding himself consumed by his loneliness he looks for a way to escape.
This short, started early on into sobriety, finished about nine months in, is a collage of diaries and notes, collected from within addiction and into recovery.
The history and trauma of two men, brought together by war, is exposed when a mysterious visitor treads familiar ground.
Jess confronts a piece of her past on the platform…
To forget about the end of a relationship, a woman fantasizes about an ideal one. Fantasy and reality begin to melt into one another, but the past finds a way to rear its head again. Films used: Notorious (1946) Gaslight (1944)
In a not so distant future artificial intelligence speaks to suffocating humanity. On the last journey, humanity is escorted by surreal entities, through twists and turns that led to humanity’s last breath.
“Leda + Swans” depicts an infernal, mythic birth of cinema, dredging the violence and horror from Wallace McCutcheon’s comic short film “Photographing a Female Crook” (1904). Leda, who may or may not be a falsely accused young woman, is brought in for a mugshot by two officers. She first attempts to avoid the camera’s gaze, and, when overpowered and manhandled, contorts her face to ruin the photograph. However, her small rebellion proves futile; she was already being recorded, objectified, mapped, and co-opted by the Godhead of the director. As her body and image are repurposed and transmuted ad infinitum, the filmic universe also explodes into a supernova. What is born out of this suffering and manipulation is another example of our sublime medium and modern muse. She will not be last the Leda, and she may not even be the first. Who is the guilty party here? Is beauty a chimera in traditional cinema? Has the ephemeral cinema of the attractions and distractions era gone anywhere?
After his mother's death, a young man edits the family's home videos to bring back her image. As he delves into the occult he begins to reveal the paradoxical magic of memories and cinema.
Writes Ando, "Oh! My Mother was the first work I made using a newly bought 16mm camera I had purchased with the writer Shuji Terayama in Paris. This piece was selected for the Oberhausen International Film Festival. In 1969, there were, of course, no video cameras like ones we see now, and color TVs were only found at broadcast television studios. I had just been employed at the TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System), and I often snuck into the studios after hours to experiment with the equipment. Oh! My Mother was made using the feedback effect, which is produced by infinitely expanding the image by looping the video."
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Inspired by moments of the Brazilian writer Gabriel Yared’s life and mixing storytelling and poetic declamations by the author himself, the film presents us the love overgrowing between two young man, Alex and Luís, their comfortable couple routine, and explores which limits that love can support when, like dry flowers, it faces the hard and cold earth of deceptions and expectation breaches, with the city of Macapá, in ther Northern Brazilian State of Amapá, as background.
In a country house a patriarch lords over his community made up of a tired woman and a boy in the midst of an economic-adolescent crisis. The guest of the facility is Dr. Girarda, a chemist extradited from Poland.
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A man blows balloons until they burst and thus expresses his accumulated aggression.
A girl approaches a divine entity that comes to the world in the form of a yellow umbrella, and ends up discovering her true self.
WHAT IS THE BEST FOR HIM? HIMSELF? THEM? HER? A twenty-year-old young man sees himself as someone who struggles in social life. One day, while looking in the mirror,he sees a change in himself, and from then on, everything started to change.
X-ray images were invented in 1895, the same year in which the Lumière brothers presented their respective invention in what today is considered to be the first cinema screening. Thus, both cinema and radiography fall within the scopic regime inaugurated by modernity. The use of X-rays on two sculptures from the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum generates images that reveal certain elements of them that would otherwise be invisible to our eyes. These images, despite being generally created for technical or scientific purposes, seem to produce a certain form of 'photogénie': they lend the radiographed objects a new appearance that lies somewhere between the material and the ethereal, endowing them with a vaporous and spectral quality. It is not by chance that physics and phantasmagoria share the term 'spectrum' in their vocabulary.
A dying man in his forties recalls his childhood, his mother, the war and personal moments that tell of and juxtapose pivotal moments in Soviet history with daily life.
The protagonist recalls her past while her daughter is going to leave her forever. Years ago, the protagonist came from a province to a big city to get rid of poverty. Marriage to a gangster didn’t make her happy. She fell in love with her husband’s accomplice and soon got pregnant. Murder seems the only solution to the lovers…
First film by Julio Bressane shot in exile, "Memoirs" is a film about a man who repeatedly kills the same type of woman in same places, the same way. Filmed on the streets of London.