16 Dec 2024

The Program
Explores the unprecedented bipartisan congressional effort to uncover what intelligence agencies really know about UFOs, now referred to as UAP.
Extraordinary connection between rare ancient 6,000 year old Sumerian symbols from the mysterious Mayan calendar, and a group of amazing signs and symbols found among Crop Circle formations.
16 Dec 2024
Explores the unprecedented bipartisan congressional effort to uncover what intelligence agencies really know about UFOs, now referred to as UAP.
02 Jan 1943
This animated documentary outlines the history and importance of corn in North America.
01 Apr 2010
The validity of ancient prophecy has been debated for centuries and is one of the most controversial subjects in the world today. Join Ronnie Cohen as you go on an epic journey to uncover the secrets behind Middle Eastern prophecy and discover shocking statistical evidence that proves there is more to Biblical history than many believe. Shocking new research reveals that the prophecies foretelling frightening global changes that could usher in a period tribulation and death may be more plausible than many believe. No matter your belief system, the findings presented within this film may change your view of prophecy forever!
24 Jun 2003
Narrated by Peter Coyote, Out of The Blue is widely considered the best documentary ever made about Unidentified Objects. The producers traveled around the world to investigate some of the most famous UFO events on record. Through exclusive interviews with high-ranking military and government personnel, this award-winning film supports the theory that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin.
28 Aug 2018
Calling All Earthlings explores a mid-century UFO cult led by one-time Howard Hughes confidante, George Van Tassel. Van Tassel claimed to have combined alien guidance with the writings of inventor/physicist Nikola Tesla, and other controversial science, to build an electromagnetic time machine he dubbed “The Integratron.” Was he insane? Or could the dome really break through the boundaries of space, time, and energy? FBI agents worked against Van Tassel and the alternative community that formed out of his work. Would he finish the Integratron before the government finished him?
01 Nov 2018
Area 51, flying saucers from another world - and the program to create a fierce technology. Bob Lazar remains the singular most famous and controversial name in the world of UFOs. The reason you know about Area 51 is because Lazar came forward and told you about it. His disclosures have turned his life upside-down and he has tried to stay out of the spotlight. For this reason, he has never let any filmmaker into the private world of his daily life - that is - until now. Corbell’s film explores Lazar’s claims through the lens of thirty years - providing rare and never before revealed footage - guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.
07 Apr 2020
Dr. Steven Greer’s previous works, SIRIUS and UNACKNOWLEDGED, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH KIND features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story.
28 Aug 1995
This provacative FOX Network "prime time" television special investigates the purported "Alien Autopsy" footage that was allegedly filmed by the United States military after the legendary UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
23 Apr 2013
Dr. Steven Greer—an Emergency room doctor turned UFO researcher—discloses top secret information about classified energy and propulsion techniques, investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal and murderous suppression. He does so by accumulating over 100 Government, military and Intelligence-community witnesses who testify on record about the cover-up.
06 Oct 2020
This documentary examines unidentified aerial phenomenon. With testimony from high-ranking government officials, and NASA Astronauts, Senator Harry Reid says it "makes the incredible credible."
05 Jul 2021
This documentary is Dr. Steven Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies: 1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO. 2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO. 3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.
21 Mar 1975
UFOs and aliens from beyond the stars are common themes in media, entertainment, and other forms of science fiction; however, many individuals have sworn they have seen UFOs and have been abducted in real life! Sit back and watch as the makers of Mazinger take you on a journey through the history of UFO lore. Could it be that UFOs are real and that aliens watch us from afar? In the end, only you can be the judge. This was used for promotion of the then upcoming animated film, "Battlefield of the Space Saucers".
14 Mar 2023
Now that the Department of Defense acknowledges that the UFO phenomenon is real, what does that really tell us? Award-winning documentary filmmakers Blake and Brent Cousins who brought you "Countdown To Disclosure" and "Above Top Secret" now bring you the latest shocking film, "UFO Endgame to Disclosure," and travel across America to speak with the top experts regarding the cosmic cover-up to reveal the secret technology that can change the world. Dr. Steven Greer comes forward with explosive information about the deadly game of suppressed technology that could eliminate the need for fossil fuels and save our planet from ultimate destruction.
01 Sep 2022
In northern Peru, the unprecedented archaeological discovery of the largest known mass child sacrifice in the world opens the doors to the kingdom of Chimor. This international archaeological investigation carried out like a criminal investigation reveals the mysteries of the last civilization of the Andes before the arrival of the Incas.
11 Jun 2022
One of the great mysteries of history is how the ancient Maya built such an incredible society in a tropical rainforest over two thousand years - and then vanished. How? Why? New discoveries and new science can now tell the story.
10 May 2014
No overview found
06 Feb 2014
MAXIMÓN - Devil or Saint is a documentary about the controversial Maya deity, also known as San Simon or the drinking and smoking saint of Guatemala. He is a mixture of ancient Maya beliefs and Christianity. The movie concentrates on the people who surround Maximón with their strong personalities, opinions and faith. The documentary gives us a rare view into the rituals and fiestas honoring Maximón. The cult of Maximón is flourishing because he performs miracles. He is also feared and despised because he is used to cast curses that can result in death. Ultimately, Maximón transcends the duality of good and evil, reflecting the Maya cosmovision in which everything in the universe co-exists.
01 Nov 1979
One of several 1970s documentaries on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFO), supporting the view that Earth is visited regularly by extra-terrestrial engines and aliens.
18 Oct 2022
As the United States and countries around the world declassify UFO records and public awareness grows, former intelligence officers, experts, and experiencers share what they know and where we go In Plain Sight: The Intelligence Community and UFOs.
08 Jun 2022
Shocking new evidence of highly advanced civilizations mounts as previously unexplored regions of the earth reveal mind boggling artifacts that defy all convention and utterly mystify today's academic and scientific factions. It's clear there are massive gaps between our current understanding of the cosmos and the origins of humanity and that of ancient civilizations that existed before "recorded history". Experience unprecedented relics and artifacts that force us to re-evaluate the mainstream dogma of who we are and where we came from.