01 May 1981

Faces of Death II
Brief scenes of death related material: mortuaries, accidents and police work are filmed by TV crews and home video cameras. Some of it is most likely fake, some not as much.
The life and thoughts of Juan Manuel Espada, keeper in charge of the morgue sited at the Medicine University of Valencia.
(Archive footage)
01 May 1981
Brief scenes of death related material: mortuaries, accidents and police work are filmed by TV crews and home video cameras. Some of it is most likely fake, some not as much.
10 Nov 1978
A collection of death scenes, ranging from TV-material to home-made super-8 movies. The common factor is death by some means.
01 Jan 1988
In an intense action-filled 85 minutes, you will learn to defend yourself against the mounting threat of “knife culture” offenders.
24 Sep 2005
Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.
01 Jan 2014
Disturbing shock footage mixtape
13 Sep 2016
Documentary revealing just how dangerous too much fat is to our most vital internal organs. The programme follows a specialist pathology team as they conduct a post-mortem on the body of a 17-stone woman whose body was donated to medical science. Their findings, as they dissect the body and its organs, are startling, exposing the devastating impact of obesity with stunning visuals and fascinating medical facts. Morbid obesity reduces life expectancy by an average of nine years and is blamed for over 30,000 deaths in the UK every year. With 65 per cent of people already overweight or obese, this extraordinary film is a powerful contribution to the debate about fat, food, lifestyle and how the health service will cope with the growing obesity crisis.
24 Apr 1986
This one proves that it's all a big fake, and the myth of the Guinea Pig movies being actual snuff is not true. The girl from "Devil's Experiment" laughs while her flesh gets twisted. The guy from "He Never Dies" longs to take the latex applications off.
01 Jan 1949
An early example of ultra-realism, this movie contrasts the quiet, bucolic life in the outskirts of Paris with the harsh, gory conditions inside the nearby slaughterhouses. Describes the fate of the animals and that of the workers in graphic detail.
11 Jan 2025
The fifth chapter in one of the most twisted shockumentary series ever created, and it gets even more disturbing! Includes a horrifying school massacre, an unholy book tied to the devil, a grim tale of child abuse, and a graphic childbirth scene.
01 Jan 1987
Deranged projectionist Mad Ron shows a movie theater full of rowdy zombies a diverse assortment of horror and exploitation film trailers from his private collection while ventriloquist Nick Pawlow and his foul-mouthed zombie dummy Happy Goldsplatt provide lowbrow comic relief.
04 Apr 2009
Antoine Pellissier is an independent filmmaker who makes gory horror films. He is also a doctor. DR. GORE follows him as he tries to put together an ambitious new project against steep odds.
07 Oct 2012
A celebration of slasher cinema - from PSYCHO to the present day, with a focus on highlighting many of the genre's forgotten cult classics, deconstructing how to survive a slice and dice movie and meditating upon why it is almost always a final girl and rarely a final guy... this is a documentary which is designed for both the biggest fan of "mad maniac" movies and the person who may only have seen HALLOWEEN and SCREAM. Either way, this is a documentary that proves the SLASHER FILM is truly FOREVER!
20 Apr 1993
Shockumentary that consists of various scenes of stock footage depicting death and real scenes of violence.
01 Jan 1994
The second installation to the bizarre shockumentary series Traces of Death.
01 Jan 1995
The third installment in the Traces of Death shockumentary series.
01 Jan 1996
The fourth installment of the real-life death footage presented as a gross-out 'shockumentary'.
01 Jan 2000
The fifth sequel of the self-proclamed "first true shockumentary" series, dealing mostly with real life graphic violence and its aftermath caught on video.
01 Jan 1989
Vintage Hollywood themed shockumentary.
01 Jan 1993
06 May 1999
Join our fiendish host, Dr. Vincent Van Gore, as he leads you into the forbidden world of the dead. Only the nastiest car accidents, suicides and murders are here; faithfully and explicitly documented through actual crime scene investigations by police and emergency response teams from around the world. Everything you see is real; nothing has been faked. There are no boring autopsies or old World War II footage. Only the best and bloodiest corpses killed within the past 10 years are good enough to become the FACES OF GORE! If you cannot handle smashed brains, bug-eyed corpses and char-boiled fetuses, then DO NOT WATCH THIS DVD! Nothing you have ever seen before can prepare you for this breakthrough new horror film by TODD TJERSLAND, the Visionary Overlord of American Horror!