08 Jan 1940

The Green Hornet
A newspaper publisher and his Korean servant fight crime as vigilantes who pose as a notorious masked gangster and his aide.
poručík VBŽ Václav Hájek
nadporučík VBŽ Bláha
kapitán VB Antonín Drahota
hostinská Věra Rezková
řidič Jan Valena
trafikant Rezek, Věřin manžel
skladník Václav Kubíček
staršina VB Bělka
posunovač Jílek
MUDr. Ondrášek
opilec Málek
opilec Hatina
cestující ve vlaku
cestující ve vlaku
řidič Véna
Honzík, Valenův syn
major Vojenské správy v Táboře
sekretářka Vojenské správy v Táboře
svatebčan v autě
08 Jan 1940
A newspaper publisher and his Korean servant fight crime as vigilantes who pose as a notorious masked gangster and his aide.
01 Apr 1981
The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.
25 Jan 1946
Leopold Kohák married a rich widow a long time ago and now has nothing to do compared to his energetic wife. He's growing old and troubled by the fact that he betrayed his first love Emča and his beloved river Sázava where he spent his childhood and youth. A visit from an old friend Lebeda brings it all back to him. After a nervous breakdown Leopold secretly visits his home instead of going to the spa. A wandering tramp suggest Leopold should bathe in the magical waters of the Sázava, and slowly his youth returns to him.
09 Apr 1981
In his feature debut, Dneska přišel nový kluk (A New Boy Started Today) from 1981, the director Vladimír Drha set the tone for a number of Czech films, which critically depicted the state of society from the perspective of young protagonists. Although, Drha primarily found scope for his work in television, he returned to the world of a “working youth” in his second film Mezek (The Mulish Victor, 1985) – albeit following him from the point of view of an educator. NFA.CZ
16 Apr 1949
Inspired by the popular '40s radio show of the same title, director Irving Brecher's 1949 comedy stars William Bendix as a hard-working husband-and-father with no shortage of family problems.
01 May 1932
Vivienne Ware is defended by her ex-beau when she's accused of killing her faithless fiance.
04 Jul 1987
No overview found
01 Jan 1983
No overview found
28 Nov 1987
No overview found
05 Mar 1965
A modern fairy tale that takes place in the present.
01 Jan 1985
No overview found
01 Jan 1974
No overview found
01 Jan 1971
No overview found
05 May 1969
No overview found
27 Jul 1973
No overview found
01 Jan 1984
No overview found
12 Jul 1966
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise, leaving their parents and other adults baffled on all remaining continents.
04 Aug 1932
When delusional madman Roxor kidnaps a scientist in hopes of using his death ray to achieve world dominance, he is opposed by Chandu, a powerful hypnotist and yogi.
04 Jan 2024
Returning home after their honeymoon, a couple find themselves haunted by a disembodied head seeking its missing body.
02 May 1941
Venice Film Festival 1941