23 Oct 2024

Ura, sauver l'oiseau sacré des australes
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Sid James learns of the joys of owning a budgerigar.
23 Oct 2024
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12 Sep 2024
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28 Sep 2013
A Portrait Of Leslie Phillips takes a look at the life of Leslie Phillips; the legendary actor, writer and veritable British institution. Leslie's frank and open conversations combine with personal interviews from some of the greats who have worked with him.
01 Jan 2008
Discover the beauty, brilliance and behaviour of Australia's most conspicuous birds - parrots and cockatoos in Australia: Land of Parrots. Multi-award winning, natural history filmmakers David Parer and Elizabeth Parer-Cook have turned their cameras to the sky to capture the spirit of these dazzling birds with breathtaking results - including rare and never before seen footage - all shot in HD.
05 Jan 1974
A haunting fire prevention film about keeping matches out of the hands of children.
17 Apr 2024
After a premonition of an unusual bird, a father loses his voice. His daughter undertakes a search to rediscover him, through an intimate narrative that explores the past, the new facets and the silences of a man who is no longer the same.
01 Mar 2019
With narration from Paul McGann, this ground-breaking film sets out to solve one of nature's mysterious phenomena: the Bewick swan's dramatic decline. A pioneering group of scientists and conservationists sets out to discover why we have lost nearly half the Bewick population in the last twenty years. Every year, these majestic birds make one of the world's toughest migrations, across perilous land, sea and skies. Somewhere between the harsh Tundra landscape and the south of England lies the key to their disappearance. We join extreme sportswoman Sacha Dench and award-winning wildlife cameraman Benjamin Sadd, as they follow the swans over 7,000 km, on a journey that pushes both humans and swans to the limits of their endurance. Cutting-edge tracking techonology and innovative filming techniques give privileged insight into the birds' hidden world, providing stunning aerial views and the personal stories of swans, Charlotte, Daisy-Clarke and Leho.
01 Jun 1950
Short public information film showing housewives' efficient and hygienic methods of food storage.
04 Feb 1941
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01 Jan 2000
Is there a connection between animal sounds and the music that humans create? Using a surprising and wide variety of evidence from the animal kingdom -- including the humpback whale, the lyre bird, the siamang gibbon and the great reed warbler -- Sir David Attenborough seeks to prove that the origions of music lie in territory, emotion and sex.
07 Mar 1990
Portrait of Hermann Heinzel.
01 Jun 1953
"Without leaving his own garden, a man may know the world" - an abstract study of the wildlife found in every garden.
27 Oct 2021
From somewhere along the east coast of South America, an osprey has just flown 4000 miles to a small saltmarsh at the delta of the Connecticut River, the place that is imprinted on his memory since birth and where he will rejoin his mate. Over the course of one summer, the reunited osprey pair fends off enemies, hunts hundreds of fish, and raises their chicks into the next generation of sea hawks.
13 Jun 2021
Behind the scenes documentary about the making of the two time selected film "Moonflower"
01 Jan 1962
This short documentary includes three vignettes about life off the coast of Newfoundland. In Island of Birds, we visit Green Island, a sea bird sanctuary where puffins frolic. In Caplin Harvest, little silvery fish called caplin spawn by washing ashore along the waves, making an easy catch for fishermen. In Outports on the Move, off-shore houses are pried loose from their foundation and floated to the Newfoundland mainland, where schools, hospitals, stores and services are available to the community.
11 Mar 2020
Birds as pets is a foreign concept to many Singaporeans. Many would assume it to be an elderly man’s hobby. However, a new trend of keeping parrots is arising but many are still ignorant to the joys and issues associated with caring for these exotic pets. Focusing on three bird owners, this documentary discusses their experiences with keeping birds.
14 Mar 1999
The story of Darwin's finches and their relationship with other creatures of the Galapagos; tracing their evolution, how the islands were formed and how it's main inhabitants got there.
08 Mar 1948
The Ministry of Labour exhorts women to return to industry – the post-war production drive depends on them.
01 Jan 1941
Poetic tribute to Mrs Turner's vegetable growing prowess, plus the delights of "wartime steaks".
08 Mar 1946
A provoking film on the place of women.